Last fall residents and stakeholders brainstormed ideas for the future of Central Heber. These ideas are the basis for three alternative scenarios that are ready for your review and feedback. Come and let us know what you think and help shape the City’s long-term plan for the heart of our community. The workshop will include an interactive presentation and several ways to provide feedback on scenarios, building heights, and other preferences. We all love Heber, and we want to take good care of it, ensuring it will flourish now and for future generations. Come and share your thoughts!
To provide more options for participation, there are two duplicate stakeholder workshops, one at noon and one at 6:30. In November 2022, we conducted three stakeholder workshop sessions resulting in three unique scenarios exploring how Heber’s downtown could look in the next 20 – 30 years. Participants will be able to examine these scenarios and share their preferences for future growth as we move toward a final vision and implementation.