General Plan Steering Committee Minutes 4.18.2019

Envision Heber City 2050 Meeting Agenda

April 18, 2019

Steering Committee Meeting

TASK FOR TODAY: (Christie Oostema)

  1. Review and provide feedback on draft scenarios
    • Draft scenarios had been previously emailed to the Steering Committee for Review.
    • The Steering Committee would be reviewing the draft scenarios from the March 20, 2019 workshop and provide feedback.
    • The Steering Committee would assist in creating the draft scenarios from the public feedback for the open house.
    • The open house would be held on May 15th where the Public would assist in refining the scenarios.
    • A vision Celebration of the Consensus will be held in late summer.
    • Implementation of envisioning ideas from the public will assist in creating the General Plan
  • A Public Stakeholder/Steering Committee Member Process
    • Provide research and information to the public
    • Seek broad public input
    • Build plans directly from public input
    • Use transparent methods
    • Build momentum for implementation
  • EXAMPLES of Scenarios
    • Baseline Projection or “Business as Usual” Scenario
      • Projects recent growth trends into the future
      • Is this the direction that we want to go?
    • Alternatives created from Public Ideas
      • Together, they capture trends that appear across multiple maps
      • Intentionally distinct from one another, to test individual components
      • Visioning (not attempting to reflect current codes/polices)
    • An example of Envision Layton was shown
      • The first map showed business as usual
      • The second map showed Layton’s vision to 2050
        • Areas of change included
          • Stable Residential Areas
          • Commercial Retail Areas
          • Agricultural Areas
          • Parks & Open Space Areas


  • Heber City’s General Plan will be updated to reflect Heber City Resident’s vision at the last implementation stage of the Public Visioning & General Plan Process
  • Draft Scenarios from the Workshop
    • Scenario D “The Baseline Scenario (status quo)”
      • Current General plan
      • Current Codes
        • New Growth Dispersed
        • Some Focus at the Edges of Heber City
        • Mostly Medium to Larger Lot Subdivisions
        • Most New Shopping and Jobs at the edges of Town or along the Highway Corridors
        • North Fields mostly open, with some Development at the Highway 40/River Road Junction
      • 12,900 New Households
        • The map showed Existing Development and Projected Development for Townhome/Multifamily and Single Family Homes.
      • Scenario A “Destination Centers Surrounded by Open Space”
          • Permanent Preservation of Cherished Open Lands and Views (development rights purchased, conservation easements placed)
            • North and South Fields, Mountain Ridges, Slopes, Canyons Portions of Valleys preserved.
          • Three Strong Centers
            • Revitalized Downtown
            • New Centers at North Village and in the Mountains
          • Long, Linear Trails Connecting Centers and Lakes
          • Bus connecting Park City, Heber, and Provo
          • Main Street Speeds Reduced
          • Tourism
        • Collected Data for Scenario A shown from maps populated with Public Input
      • Scenario B “Town Clusters with Neighborhood Open Space”
          • Growth Focused in Six Smaller Town Centers Connected by a Series of Trails
            • Downtown, Two in Mountains, Two in North Village Area, and One in the southeast of Heber
          • Town Centers surrounded by Neighborhoods with Internal Open Space and Trails
          • Open Space Largely Preserved through Subdivision Process
            • North and South Fields Maintain 20-acre Zoning
            • Internal Town Center and Subdivision Trail Networks
          • Trails
            • Bike Routes/Trails Connect Centers
            • Internal Town Center and Subdivision Trail Networks
          • Transportation
            • Main Street Speeds Reduced
            • Main Street Truck Traffic Removed through a Bypass Option
          • Collected Data for Scenario B shown from maps populated with Public Input
        • Scenario C “Corridor Focus”
            • Growth Focus Primarily along Highway 40 Corridor
            • Larger Lot Subdivisions in Outlying areas
            • Jobs Focused along Corridor and in Job Center south of Town
            • Trail along Highway 40
            • North Fields (20-acre zoning) and Mountain Slopes over 30% Preserved through Zoning
            • Transportation
              • Trucks on Main Street, Speed Limit the same
            • Collected Data for Scenario C shown from maps populated with Public Input
          • The scenarios are distinct from one another, offering snapshots of several different directions the city could take as it moves into the future.
          • Public Evaluation of Scenario Components
            • Using the primary values that have been derived so far in this process, compare each alternative for how well you think it achieves:
              • Open Space – how well does the scenario retain priority open spaces?
              • Trails/Bike Routes – are local and regional connections achieved?
              • Transportation – how well does the scenario deal with trucks/traffic on Main Street?
              • Views/Setting – how well does the scenario preserve the views of the mountains/valleys?
              • Small Town Feel – how well does the scenario maintain small-town feel while also accommodating anticipated growth?
            • Thinking about basic community needs, which scenario best addresses the needs of future residents for:
              • Housing Choices
              • Economy/Jobs
              • Transportation
              • Recreation





OPEN DISCUSSION: (Steering Committee, Staff and Consulting Teams)

  • The 25 maps were created by the Public for quick analysis summaries to create scenarios for our future.
  • A suggestion to digitize maps and pull data from maps electronically for transparency was discussed.
  • There would not be another workshop with maps, the next step in the process would be to show the scenarios to the public in our upcoming Open House and pull favorite ideas from the scenarios to make a master scenario.
  • The public may join in the process at any stage, as the entire process will be explained at each stage.
  • Discussing and focusing on the current ongoing developments would discourage vision into 2050.
  • When developments change hands, and the markets change; the new developments will go forward and be led by the new General Plan from the vision of the public. The vision set out will not change everything currently in progress, but it will be a guide for the projectory of the future and a guide for developers in the future.
  • All four scenarios will be presented at the open house.
  • There will be a cheat sheet provided to help the public distinguish the different scenarios.
    • Specific suggestions for Scenario D
      • Scenario D did not state the heights for downtown, but the open house could be a great forum to receive feedback for height for downtown buildings, as the theory of height ducktails into the scenarios.
      • Currently, there are no five-story buildings in downtown
      • The Planning Commission does not mind taller downtown buildings, but they do not like taller buildings in the City Corridors.
      • It was suggested to have one end of downtown to be more intense and keep open space or sprawl along highway 40.
    • Specific suggestions for Scenario A
      • Open space stays open with a land trust.
      • Easements require a use so a use would need to be implemented
      • Strategies for easements are part of developing the General Plan.
      • There are elements in all four scenarios that are appealing; the public will be able to take their favorite pieces from the different scenarios and make a master scenario.
      • We could prioritize trails and keep trail plans transparent.
      • Make a chart/key of what the areas are called and where they are located
      • People, in general, tend to respond to graphics better than text, as graphics tend to simplify.


  • Specific suggestions for Scenario B
    • Bypasses were not shown in all four the scenarios; the location of the bypass has not been approved; everyone does not agree on the location of the bypass. It would be nice to see different options for the bypass, and we need to keep the bypass in the process for feedback.


  • There were no action items



  • There were no parking lot items



  • Public Open House for the Continuation of the Community Visioning Process
    • May 15, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
    • Heber Valley Elementary School
    • 730 S 600 W
    • Auditorium

Slideshow Presentation General Plan Steering Committee Minutes 4.18.2019

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