Welcome: Mayor
Introductions: Every one introduced themselves
The last General Plan update was in 2003– 15 years old.
Duties for Consultants:
- Ignition Creative Group: Ryan Bunnell with Envision will guide the branding process and assist in maximizing public participation.
- People + Place: Christie Oostema and John Janson will oversee visioning process and general plan drafting.
- Lewis, Young Robertson & Burningham: Jason Burningham will oversee analytical analysis and land use analysis.
Duties for Staff:
- Facilitate Steering Committee Meetings, tenacious problem solvers, keep City Council informed, and keep the process moving forward.
Duties for Steering Committee:
- Deliver an honest and open process
- Committed to an honest, open, and fair evaluation of the issues
- Build cooperation
- Build participation and awareness
Although minutes of each steering committee meeting would be taken and made public, committee members agreed not to have the meetings recorded. Reasons for this include, meetings are open to the public, minutes would be taken and made available to the public, and desire to facilitate a committee culture that promotes sharing ideas and commenting candidly.
Process consists of:
- Steering Committee Meetings
- An open house
- Community Wide Workshops
- Plan Draft
- November 19, 2019 Review and Recommendation
- December 19, 2019 propose to City Council adoption of new General Plan
Boundaries and Ground rules:
- Participate fully—and allow others to do so
- Respect—listen open-mindedly to others ideas
- Offer Constructive insight—be solution oriented
- Seek consensus or compromise—focus on what we can agree on
- Develop community’s vision not the committee’s vision
- Know when speaking on behalf of steering committee or speaking personally
Ryan Bunnell with Ignition Creative Group will create a biography page for the Steering Committee. Ryan will be monitoring community comments and direct questions and comments back to website, respond to community as a collective group and for the Steering Committee as a whole.
Two main lists for Steering Committee Meetings:
- Action Items: Items to address and for follow up.
- Parking Lot Items: Items to be addressed at a later or more appropriate time as to keep current discussions focused and on task.
What is vision?
- Slides walked through the process of community visioning
- Slides emphasized commitment to a community-engaged process, with a vision and general plan shaped by residents
- Slides highlighted examples of ways residents in other communities have participated, and how their ideas lead to vision statements and principles. These ideas inform the general plan.
Why is it important?
- Know the intent of Heber growth and what are future needs
- Appearance
- Children of the community—future generations
- Good paying jobs
- Efficient infrastructure
- Goal setting and how to accomplish the goals.
- State law 10-9a-403 future land use, transportation and tying transportation and land use together- bypass-transit, housing-moderate income housing plan (affordable housing).
What is the General Plan?
- We are all Planners
- Addressing what is a trend
- How to use General Plan
- Addressing issues of the community
- Allowing community to understand what is happening and future plan of the community
- Repeat General Plan update every 2 to 5 years.
- Assist City Council to focus on community goals
- Address streetscapes
- Address rezoning proposals
- Address economic development
- How to connect parks and trails
- How to create balanced transportation network
Maximizing public participation and input:
Marketing was established to promote an individual reaction when a product was viewed. It was realized that the brand was bigger than the market and when the brand fails, the product fails.
The Logo for the Envision Heber City 2050 was revealed, acknowledged and positive comments were made. is the source website and Envision Heber 2050 is the Facebook homepage.
The website will be user friendly for all ages to ensure everyone will be able to participate and to be made aware of the progress.
The opinion to utilize the Wasatch Wave was well received and the best way to utilize this recourse will be discussed.
A weekly on-line survey will be created proposing a question of the week for the public. Feedback from the proposed question will be addressed and relayed back to the public.
The City Council and Mayor are very supportive of the process and will be kept in the loop throughout the process.
The groundwork for the process was set up thoughtfully and was impressive. The Steering Committee members, Staff, and Consultants were excited about being a part of the process.
It was brought to the attention of the committee that a school board representative needed to be part of the committee. A process to implement a school board representative was being addressed.
The County has an inter-local group and the two groups combined could be extremely beneficial to the process and the community.
This process will include cooperating with County and adjoining cities as it is very important that all affected be on the same page right out of the gate and for the success of the new Heber City General Plan.
The budget for the General Plan update is estimated at $125,000.00. Hard costs will be definite but volunteer hours will be priceless, as a tremendous amount of volunteer time will be dedicated to this project.
Documenting public comments and feedback would be helpful to assist the Consultants, Steering Committee and Staff in pointing to results pertaining to the public feedback and comments.
Developers will be invited to the focus groups to ensure awareness that Heber City is implementing a new General Plan.
2nd Steering Committee Meeting
- February 21, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.
- Address Public Engagement Process
- Discuss challenges, what are our values-common ground-date-trends
3rd Steering Committee Meeting
- TBD March 14, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. or March 28, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.
- Workshop Dry Run
- Activity: Will get at issues that Heber City is grabbling with
- Steering Committee will facilitate tables at work shop
4th Steering Committee Meeting
- TBD Early April but not during Spring Break
- Theming
- Look at maps and pull out themes, which will inform public of scenarios
Open House TBD